usually reliable

美 [ˈjuːʒuəli rɪˈlaɪəbl]英 [ˈjuːʒuəli rɪˈlaɪəbl]
  • 通常可靠
usually reliableusually reliable
  1. According to the Wall Street Journal , whose Apple sources are usually reliable , the physical design will remain unchanged .


  2. An agency with a good reputation is usually reliable and offers quality service which is essential for the accomplishment of your business tasks .


  3. Hard to believe , I know , but my usually reliable White House insiders tell me that President Bush is trying to decide whether or not to pardon Amy Fisher , now jailed in an upstate penitentiary .


  4. Pro : Unfortunately , the computer is usually pretty reliable ;


  5. The US household sector , usually a reliable source of demand , is over-leveraged .


  6. In times of stress , a good night 's sleep is usually considered a reliable remedy .


  7. Outside the US , deposit insurance is rarely complete and there are usually delays before reliable cheques denominated in central bank money duly arrive .


  8. Children in Hong Kong - a city with exorbitant home prices and not much of a social safety net - are usually pushed into reliable , traditional careers .
